The best Discord bot out there.
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Sapphire is a moderation and utility bot, that is developed by Xge, a german developer. He is the currently only developer of Sapphire. You're probably asking: "Why the heck is Sapphire so good?" And I will answer ya here: First of all: Sapphire is completely free to use. Yes, a lot of bots are that, but with that many highly detailed features, that is not very common. Second: You can customize Sapphire on every end. You want the notification, that someone has been warnd, to have a red embed color rather than the default one? You can do that in the message editor. You can edit EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE, even error messages. And number three: The community of Sapphire is amazing. The support server is not only just a support server, it's a community. The server is not cluttered with channels, but only has the necessary channels. You get support not (only) from trained professionals, but from everyone that can answer you. That all makes Sapphire THE best bot on planet earth. Fun Fact: Sapphire is Xge's full time job and he lives from the money he gets from Sapphire. Where the money comes from you may ask. Simple: Custom Branding. Means: For some money you get your own bot (custom name, description, status, etc.) with all features of Sapphire. Below some links you may be interested in: Website, Dashboard, Support Server
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